Thursday, 1 November 2007


This is also another misery of this king of man, the heart, which is also applicable to the kings of this world, great men. The venom and poison of every pestilential disease directs itself to the heart and the malevolence of men is also directed upon the greatest and the best. [11]

You send an image hurrying out of doors
When you depose a king & seize his throne
You exile symbols when you take by force.

And even if you say the power's your own,

That you are your own hero, your own king
You will not wear the meaning of the crown.

The power a ruler has is how men bring
Their thoughts to bear upon him, how their minds
Construct the grandeur from the simple thing.

And kings prevented from their proper ends
Make a deep lack in men's imaginings;
Heroes are nothing without worshipping.

Will not diminish into lovers, friends
Elizabeth Jennings: Kings