Tuesday 11 December 2007

7 The physician consults

Fear grows if the physician desires the help of others.

If there is a growth of the disease then there must be an autumn too, but whether an autumn of the disease or of me it is not my part to choose. But if it be of me, it is of both; my disease cannot survive me, I may overlive it

The physician who wishes to consult with others shows his honesty and his ingenuity.

If the danger be great he justifies his treatment so far & shows he has nothing to hide.

If the danger be not great he shows a readiness to share with others the thanks and the honour for the work, which he began alone.

It does not diminish the dignity of a monarch if he devolves some of his power to others.

God has not made many suns but he has made many bodies that receive and give light.

The Romans began with one king, they came to two consuls, they returned in extremities to one dictator.

Whether in one or many, sovereignty is the same in all states.

The danger is not the more, and the providence is the more where there are more physicians, as the state is the happier where businesses are carried by more counsels than can be in one breast, however large.

Diseases themselves hold consultations and conspire how they may multiply and join with one another and exalt one anothers force. So why not call physicians to consultations?

Death is at an old mans door, he appears and tells him so.

Death is at a young mans back and says nothing.

Age is a sickness and youth is an ambush and we need so many physicians as may make up a watch and spy every inconvenience
